Friday, March 28, 2008

Dirt Road Dog & Flower Pot Kitty


Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

I love that you have matching How cool. I have 3 persian cats that have been shaved to look like lions because I can no longer control the fur. I was ALWAYS one of those that scoffed and layed in judgement at persian owners that shaved their cats....I am now eating those words.

k said...

I shave my dog during the summer...and after just vacuuming the house after I swept it twice, I can tell you that you never need to explain shaving your cats! The hair! The hair!

Paola Zakimi said...

oh, the flower pot kitty is so lovely, and serius, well may be she need an illo made for me...

k said...

She loves to sleep in the flower pot when the days are warm. I wrote a poem about her called "Banjo" on my blog. She is a funny cat.
Thanks for writing!