Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pilgrims & Refugees

I am struggling with some bad mojo lately, and poetry always brings me a little peace of mind. This is one that my friend Johnathan plays on his guitar.

Gathering coquinas
she lines them in the sand,
lavender and scarlet
yellow and tan-
gerine. She is magic
in the firefly universe.
She knows to release them
means they'll always be hers.

Pilgrims and refugees,
Immigrants and angels,
Weary of flying
and longing for home.
Pilgrims and refugees
mercenary sailors,
reluctantly willing
to go on alone.

Search the horizon
for the land in your dream.
The farther I travel
the farther it seems.
Savor the mango
and the handful of rice.
This wild game of chance,
God, it rolls us like dice.

Pilgrims and refugees
Immigrants and angels,
Weary of flying
and longing for home.
Pilgrims and refugees
aliens and strangers,
reluctantly willing
to travel alone.

She speaks of a shepherd
who sleeps in the hills,
who has no possessions
nor telephone bills.
A pilgrim, a refugee,
betrayed with a kiss,
who knows to release her
means she'll always be his.

Pilgrims and refugees,
Immigrants and angels,
Weary of flying
and longing for home.
Pilgrims and refugees
aliens and strangers
reluctantly willing
to travel alone.

God, how long must I travel alone?

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